PRODUCTProduct Specification

3 focus points
to achieve a close
and smooth shave

“F3” was developed with sheer persistence and sure technology by the established brand, FEATHER, which boasts the top market share in the barber industry in Japan. The razor and the blades are all made in Japan.
100% Made in JAPAN
Focus on the Action3 actions to make a close contact
with any surface
3D Pivoting Action
With the cushioning function from the suspension mounted in the head, even when pressing the blade against the skin, the force is transmitted without undue pressure to achieve a gentle touch to the skin and close contact.

A “swing function” is implemented in which the blade moves back and forth as well as left and right. The blade maintains a fixed angle to fit all curves of face such as the cheek, the chin and under the nose. This prevents to leave unshaved spots.

Newly developed swing mechanism
The 2 actions achieve the closest contact with the skin ever. FEATHER has patented this unique action we have developed in Japan.
The suspension is mounted on each of the blades. As the 3 blades move individually, they delicately shave along the contour and catch only the beard. This achieves a comfortable shave without undue pressure on the skin.

The 3 actions provide a close contact with the curves of the face.
This achieves a close and comfortable shave to the skin!
Focus on the BladeQuality recognized by pros
Technology of the market leader
in the barber industry
Focus on the razor blade
A wavy guard on each of the blades prevents pressure on the skin. This reduces the pressure caused by the blade digging into the skin. This achieves a closer shave.

As the razor is used every day, we developed it by focusing on a gentle touch to the skin. A ceramic coating on the blade surface achieves gentle touch to the skin.
For those who want an irritation free experience.
FEATHER is a long-established brand boasting the top market share in the barber industry in Japan. A combination of a close shave and gentle touch to the skin is achieved with our focus on the blade and advanced technology.

Insistence on Japanese-MadeHigh quality and durability
Insistence on
100% Japanese-made
All Made in JAPAN
“F3” focuses on quality, with the razor and the blades all made in Japan. While maintaining high quality and safety, we offer it at a reasonable price that allows you to use it every day.

“F3” blades have the best durability in the history of FEATHER. As they last longer and save on the running cost of blades, it creates a high cost performance.
“F3” has received a high praise from users. The high quality of manufacturing and reasonable price are reflected in its strong reputation.

“F3” is 100% made in Japan from the blade to the grip.While focusing on performance and quality, we manage to offer it at a reasonable price. Our users show an unwavering trust in an “empathetic razor”.