Feather was the first Japanese company to make replaceable blade razors.
Feather carries out thoroughgoing management of all of the products at the factories in Japan without relying on overseas production, and Feather will continue to pursue the quality that can only be made in Japan and that can only be created at Feather as ever.

- News
- Exhibition
- February 5th,2025 Other
- Exhibition information is updated.
- December 27th,2023 Industrial Use
- New Product: KAKEN BLADE No. 99727 (ISO13997:2023)
- October 1st,2022 Medical
- New Product:Microtome Blade High Profile FHP-02.
- June 28th,2021
- New Product: Artist Club SR
- June 28th,2021
- New Product: F System Butler
- June 28th,2021 Consumer
- New Product: Piany VIO
- June 28th,2021 Consumer
- October 20th,2020
- Feather official wet shaving video is released.
- August 28th,2020 Beauty
- Feather Styling Razor was featured on an American TV show "THE LOOK : ALL STARS".